Department of Finance
340 Wohlers Hall
1206 South Sixth Street
Champaign IL 61820

- Research

- Personal webpage

- Department of Finance webpage
- Department of Economics webpage

- Papers downloadable from Ideas/Repec
- Papers downloadable from SSRN


- Papers downloadable from Ideas/Repec
- Papers downloadable from SSRN

Unpublished Working Papers

-Literature Review and Framework for Institutional Investor Mobilization ( 2023 )
C. Kahn, A. Caputo Silva and G. Martinez Torres, Equitable Growth, Finance and Institutions Insight, World Bank 2023, forthcoming

- Digital Money and Central Bank Operations ( 2022 )
C. Kahn, M. Singh and J. Alwazir, Working Paper No. 2022/085, International Monetary Fund, available at

- The Demand for Programmable Payments ( 2022 )
C. Kahn and M. Van Oordt, Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers 22-076/IV, available at
extended abstract forthcoming in OASIcs, Volume 110, Tokenomics 2022.

- Best Before? Expiring Central Bank Digital Currency and Loss Recovery ( 2021 )
C. Kahn, M. Van Oordt and Y. Zhu, Bank of Canada Staff Working Paper 2021-67, available at
summary column available at VoxEU

- The Role of Pilot Studies in Financial Regulation ( 2021 )
L. Harris, C. Kahn, R. McDonald, and C. Spatt, available at SSRN:

- Security and Convenience of a Bank Digital Currency ( 2020 )
C. Kahn, and F. Rivadeneyra, Bank of Canada Staff Analyitical Note 2020-21, available at

-Statement on Evidence-Based Regulation and the Limits of Pilot Studies ( 2019 )
L. Harris, C. Kahn, R. McDonald, and C. Spatt, Financial Economists Roundtable, available at SSRN:

- Eggs in One Basket: Security and Convenience of Digital Currencies ( 2019 )
C. Kahn, F. Rivadeneyra, T-N. Wong, St. Louis Federal Reserve Working Paper 2020-032A available at

- Choice of Collateral Asset and the Cross-Border Effect of Automatic Stays ( 2016 )
C. Kahn and H. Fujiki, Bank of Japan IMES Discussion Paper 2016-E-8/Economics available at

- Governance through Threat of Voice and Threat of Exit ( 2015 )
S. Fos and C. Kahn, available at SSRN:

- Time Consistency in Bank Regulation: Leverage and Bailout ( 2015 )
C. Kahn and J. Santos

- Law as a constraint on the 'lender of last resort': Central bank liquidity support for central counterparties ( 2015 )
V. France, C. Kahn, and R. Steigerwald

- Systemic Risk and Optimal Regulatory Architecture ( 2011 )
M. Espinosa-Vega, C. Kahn, R. Matta and J. Solé, IMF working paper 11/193

- Toward Time-Consistency in Bank Regulation ( 2011 )
C. Kahn, Presentation in special session on Financial Regulation, Royal Economic Society Annual Conference, 2011, University of London, Royal Holloway

- Collateral Policy in a World of Round-the-Clock Payment ( 2013 version )
C. Kahn, University of Illinois College of Business working paper 10-0100

- A theory of transactions privacy ( 2000 )
C. Kahn, J. McAndrews and W.Roberds, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta working paper 2000-22

- Coalition Proof Equilibrium in an Adverse Selection Insurance Economy ( 1995 )
C. Kahn, D. Mookherjee (unpublished addendum to 1995 publication)

- On the efficiency of cash settlement ( 1995 )
C. Kahn and W. Roberds, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta working paper 1995-11

- Universal Coalition-Proof Equilibrium: Concepts and Applications ( 1993 )
B. Chakravorti and C. Kahn 1993. Bell Communications, Economic Research Group papers 98.

- The Role of Demandable Debt in Structuring Optimal Banking Arrangements ( 1989 )
(original version, including unpublished appendix)
C. Calomiris and C. Kahn, 1989, BEBR Faculty Working Paper 89-1541, University of Illinois.

Journal Articles

- Grasping De(centralized) Fi(nance) through the Lens of Economic Theory ( 2022 )
J. Chiu, C. Kahn and T. Koeppl, Canadian Journal of Economics, Volume 55, Issue 4, November 2022, pp. 1702-1728

- Discussion of "Payments on Digital Platforms: Resiliency, Interoperability and Welfare" ( 2022 )
C. Kahn, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol 142, November 2022, 104174

- Liquidity provision during a pandemic ( 2021 )
C. Kahn and W. Wagner, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol 133, December 2021, 106152

- Sources of Liquidity and Liquidity Shortages ( 2021 )
C. Kahn and W. Wagner, Journal of Financial Intermediation, Vol 46, 100869.

- Illiquidity as a Signal ( 2020 )
J. Jorge and C. Kahn, Journal of Financial Stability, Vol 50, October, 100773.

- Should the Central Bank Issue E-Money? ( 2020 )
C. Kahn, F. Rivadeneyra, T-N. Wong, Journal of Financial Market Infrastructures, Vol 8, No. 4.

- Collateral, Rehypothecation and Efficiency ( 2019 )
H. Park and C. Kahn, Journal of Financial Intermediation, Vol. 39, pp. 34-46.

- The Threat of Privacy ( 2018 )
C. Kahn, Journal of Financial Market Infrastructures, Vol. 6, No. 2/3, pp. 21-30.

- Are there Social Spillovers in Consumers’ Security Assessments of Payment Instruments? ( 2017 )
C. Kahn, J. Liñares-Zegarra, and J. Stavins, Journal of Financial Services Research, pp. 1-30.

- Law as a constraint on bailouts: Emergency support for central counterparties. ( 2016 )
V. France and C. Kahn, Journal of Financial Intermediation, Vol. 28, pp. 22-31.

- Collateral chains and Incentives. ( 2016 )
C. Kahn and H. Park, Journal of Financial Market Infrastructures, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 1-16.

- Comment on “Bailouts, moral hazard, and banks' home bias for sovereign debt” by Gaetano Gaballo and Ariel Zetlin-Jones. ( 2016 )
C. Kahn, Carnegie Rochester NYU Conference on Public Policy Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol 81 issue C, pp. 86-88.

- The Regulatory Challenge of Non-Bank Payment Institutions, and the Response of PSD2. ( 2016 )
C. Kahn, (in Spanish) "El reto de regular las entidades de pago no bancarias: la respuesta de la Directiva PSD2", Papeles de Economia Española pp. 21-49. English conference version.

- Payment Systems in the US and Europe: Efficiency, Soundness and Challenges. ( 2016 )
C. Kahn and S. Carbo-Valverde, Financial Stability Journal (Bank of Spain) May, 2016, pp. 11-33.

- Identity Theft and Consumer Payment Choice: Does Security Really Matter? ( 2015 )
C. Kahn and J. Liñares-Zegarra, Journal of Financial Services Research. Working paper available at SSRN:

- Repos, Fire Sales, and Bankruptcy Policy. ( 2015 )
G. Antinolfi, F. Carapella, C. Kahn, A. Martin, D. Mills, and E. Nosal, Review of Economic Dynamics vol. 18(1), pages 21-31, January 2015. DOI: 10.1016/,

- Private Payment Systems, Collateral, and Interest Rates. ( 2013 )
C. Kahn, Annals of Finance, vol. 9, number 1, pp. 83-114.

- Comment on 'Precautionary Demand and Liquidity in Payment Systems' by Afonso and Shin. ( 2011 )
C. Kahn, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Vol. 43, Supplement s2, October, 2011, pp. 621-623.

- Why Pay? An Introduction to Payments Economics. ( 2009 )
C. Kahn, W. Roberds, Journal of Financial Intermediation, (18) January: 1-23 2009

- Payments Settlement: Tiering in Private and Public Systems. ( 2009 )
C. Kahn, W. Roberds, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, (41) August: 5 855-884 2009

- Credit and Identity Theft. ( 2008 )
C. Kahn, W. Roberds, Journal of Monetary Economics, (55) March: 251-264 2008

- Transferability, Finality and Debt Settlement. ( 2007 )
C. Kahn, W. Roberds, Journal of Monetary Economics, (54) May: 4 955-978 2007

- Comment on 'Who Should Act As Lender of Last Resort? An Incomplete Contracts Model' by Repullo. ( 2006 )
C. Kahn, J. Santos, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, (38) June: 4 1111-1118 2006

- Bank Consolidation and the Dynamics of Consumer Loan Interest Rates. ( 2005 )
C. Kahn, G. Pennacchi, B. Sopranzetti, Journal of Business, (78) January: 1, Part 2 99-133 2005

- Low Revenue Equilibria in Simultaneous Ascending Price Auctions. ( 2005 )
R. Engelbrecht-Wiggans, C. Kahn, Management Science, (51) March: 3 356-371 2005

- Money Is Privacy. ( 2005 )
C. Kahn, J. McAndrews, W. Roberds, International Economic Review, (46) May: 2 377-399 2005

- Allocating Bank Regulatory Power: Lender of Last Resort, Deposit Insurance and Supervision. ( 2005 )
C. Kahn, J. Santos, European Economic Review, (49) 8 2107-2136 2005

- Comment on 'Competition and Financial Stability' by Allen and Gale. ( 2004 )
C. Kahn, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, (36) June: 3; part 2 2004

- Moral Hazard and Optimal Subsidiary Structure for Financial Institutions. ( 2004 )
C. Kahn, A. Winton, Journal of Finance, (59) December: 6 2531-2575 2004

- Settlement Risk under Gross and Net Settlement. ( 2003 )
C. Kahn, W. Roberds, J. McAndrews, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, (35) August: 4 591-608 2003

- The Economics of Payment Finality. ( 2002 )
C. Kahn, W. Roberds, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review, (87) 30-39 2002

- Multiunit Auctions in Which Almost Every Bid Wins. ( 2002 )
R. Engelbrecht-Wiggans, C. Kahn, Southern Economic Journal, (68) January: 3 617-31 2002

- Performance-Based Wages in Tax Collection: The Brazilian Tax Collection Reform and Its Effects. ( 2001 )
C. Kahn, E. Silva, J. Ziliak, Economic Journal, (111) January: 468 188-205 2001

- Real Time Gross Settlement and the Costs of Immediacy. ( 2001 )
C. Kahn, W. Roberds, Journal of Monetary Economics, (47) April: 2 299-319 2001

- Economic Functions of Referrals and Referral Fees. ( 2001 )
P. Colwell, C. Kahn, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, (23) November: 3 267-296 2001

- The Design of Wholesale Payments Networks: The Importance of Incentives. ( 1999 )
C. Kahn, W. Roberds, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review, Summer: 30-39 1999

- Strategic Transmission of Information and Short-Term Commitment. ( 1999 )
C. Kahn, T. Tsoulouhas, Economic Theory, (14) July: 1 131-153 1999

- Bank Deposit Rate Clustering: Theory and Empirical Evidence. ( 1999 )
C. Kahn, G. Pennacchi, B. Sopranzetti, Journal of Finance, (54) December: 6 2185-2214 1999

- Calibration of a Model of the Afternoon Effect in Cattle Auctions. ( 1999 )
R. Engelbrecht-Wiggans, C. Kahn, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, (39) Spring: 1 113-128 1999

- Demandable Debt as a Means of Payment: Bank Notes vs. Checks. ( 1999 )
C. Kahn, W. Roberds, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, (31) August: 3; part 2 500-525 1999

- Uniform-Price Auctions with Variable Awards. ( 1998 )
R. Engelbrecht-Wiggans, C. Kahn, Games and Economics Behavior, (23) April: 1 25-42 1998

- Competition and Incentives with Nonexclusive Contracts. ( 1998 )
C. Kahn, D. Mookherjee, Rand Journal of Economics, (29) Fall: 3 443-465 1998

- Multi-Unit Auctions with Uniform Prices. ( 1998 )
R. Engelbrecht-Wiggans, C. Kahn, Economic Theory, (12) September: 2 227-258 1998

- Ownership Structure, Speculation and Shareholder Information. ( 1998 )
C. Kahn, A. Winton, Journal of Finance, (53) February: 1 99-130 1998

- Payment System Settlement and Bank Incentives. ( 1998 )
C. Kahn, W. Roberds, Review of Financial Studies, (11) Winter: 4 845-870 1998

- One-Stop Shopping for Settlement Services: RESPA, Referral Fees, and Consumer Reaction. ( 1998 )
C. Kahn, Illinois Real Estate Letter, Summer: 1998

- Multi-Unit Pay-Your-Bid Auctions with Variable Awards. ( 1998 )
C. Kahn, Games and Economics Behavior, (23) 25-42 1998

- The Efficiency of Self Regulated Payments Systems: Leaming from the Suffolk System. ( 1996 )
C. Calomiris, C. Kahn, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, (28) November: 4 766-797 1996

- Coalition Proof Equilibrium in an Adverse Selection Insurance Economy. ( 1995 )
C. Kahn, D. Mookherjee, Journal of Economic Theory, (66) June: 1 113-138 1995

- Market Failure with Moral Hazard and Side Trading. ( 1995 )
C. Kahn, D. Mookherjee, Journal of Public Economics, (58) October: 2 159-184 1995

- Housing-Finance Intervention and Private Incentives: Helping Minorities and the Poor. ( 1994 )
C. Calomiris, C. Kahn, S. Longhofer, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, (26) August: 3 634-674 1994

- The Economic Role of Foreclosures. ( 1994 )
C. Kahn, A. Yavas, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, (8) January: 1 35-51 1994

- Introducing Work Rules into Models of Wage-Employment Contracts. ( 1993 )
C. Kahn, P. Reagan, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, (33) Fall: 3 217-231 1993

- Non Existence and Inefficiency of Equilibria with American Options and Convertible Bonds. ( 1993 )
C. Kahn, S. Krasa, Economic Theory, (3) 1 1993

- An Equilibrium Model of Quits Under Optimal Contracting. ( 1993 )
C. Kahn, S. Longhofer, European Economic Review, (37) August: 6 1203-1222 1993

- Exclusion and Moral Hazard: The Case of Identical Demand. ( 1993 )
C. Kahn, E. Silva, Journal of Public Economics, (52) September: 2 217-235 1993

- The Existence and Characterization of Optimal Contracts on a Continuous State Space. ( 1993 )
C. Kahn, Journal of Economic Theory, (59) February: 122-144 1993

- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Coalition-Proof Equilibrium in Infinite Games. ( 1992 )
C. Kahn, Games and Economics Behavior, 101-121 1992

- Protecting the Winner: Second-Price Versus Oral Auctions. ( 1991 )
R. Englebrecht-Wiggans, C. Kahn, Economics Letters, (35) 243-248 1991

- The Role of Demandable Debt in Structuring Optimal Banking Arrangements. ( 1991 )
C. Calomiris, C. Kahn, The American Economic Review, (81) June: 497-513 1991

- The Economic Role of Foreclosure Rules. ( 1991 )
C. Kahn, Illinois Real Estate Letter, Summer: 8-11 1991

- Cooperative Arrangements for the Regulation of Banking by Banks. ( 1990 )
C. Calomiris, C. Kahn, Ill. Business Review, Fall: 1990

- Default, Foreclosure and Strategic Renegotiation. ( 1989 )
C. Kahn, G. Huberman, Law and Contemporary Problems, (52) Winter: 49-61 1989

- The Use of Complicated Models as Explanations: A Re-examination of Williamson's Late 19th Century America. ( 1988 )
C. Kahn, Research in Economic History, (11) 185-216 1988

- Limited Contract Enforcement and Strategic Renegotiation. ( 1988 )
G. Huberman, C. Kahn, The American Economic Review, (78) June: 3 471-484 1988

- Two-Sided Uncertainty and Up-or-Out Contracts. ( 1988 )
C. Kahn, G. Huberman, Journal of Labor Economics, (6) October: 423-443 1988

- A Competitive Efficiency Wage Model with Keynesian Features. ( 1988 )
C. Kahn, D. Mookherjee, Quarterly Journal of Economics, (103) November: 609-645 1988

- Strategic Renegotiation. ( 1988 )
G. Huberman, C. Kahn, Economics Letters, (28) December: 117-121 1988

- Erratum: The Durable Goods Monopolist and Consistency with Increasing Costs. ( 1988 )
C. Kahn, D. Malueg, J. Solow, Econometrica, (56) March: 754 1988

- The Durable Goods Monopolist and Consistency with Increasing Costs. ( 1986 )
C. Kahn, Econometrica, (54) March: 2 275-294 1986

- Optimal Employment Contracts with Bankruptcy Constraints. ( 1985 )
C. Kahn, J. Scheinkman, Journal of Economic Theory, (35) April: 2 343-365 1985

- Optimal Severance Pay with Incomplete Information. ( 1985 )
C. Kahn, Journal of Political Economy, (93) June: 3 435-451 1985

- Wage-Employment Contracts. ( 1983 )
J. Green, C. Kahn, Quarterly Journal of Economics, (98) Supplement: 173-187 1983

- The Solution of Linear Difference Models Under Rational Expectations. ( 1980 )
O. Blanchard, C. Kahn, Econometrica, (48) July: 1305-1311 1980

Chapters in Books

-Privacy Provision, Latency and the Role of Collateral ( 2020 )
C. Kahn, C. Long, M. Singh, in Collateral Markets and Financial Plumbing, (Ed: M. Singh) Risk Publications.

- Central Banks and Payment Systems: The Evolving Trade-off between Cost and Risk. ( 2016 )
C. Kahn, S. Quinn and W. Roberds, in Central Banks at a Crossroads: What Can We Learn from History? (Eds: M. Bordo, Ø. Eitrheim, M. Flandreau and J. F. Qvigstad), Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp 563-609. Conference version available at

- Clearing House Interbank Payments System (CHIPS). ( 2012 )
C. Kahn and W. Roberds, in Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization, (Eds: Ritzer, George), John Wiley & Sons: England, 2012

-Some Implications of Systemic Risk and the Design of Regulatory Architecture. ( 2011 )
Espinosa-Vega, M., Sole, J., Kahn, C., Matta, R., in Macrorudential Regulatory Policies: The New Road to Financial Stability (Eds: S. Claessens, D. D. Evanoff, G.G. Kaufman and L. Kodres) World Scientific Publishing Co.

- Institutional Allocation of Bank Regulation: A Review. ( 2007 )
C. Kahn, J. Santos, inThe Structure of Financial Regulation, (Eds: Mayes, D.G., and G.E. Wood), Routledge: New York, 2007 pp. 185-204

- Allocating Lending of Last Resort and Supervision in the Euro Area. ( 2004 )
C. Kahn, J. Santos, in Monetary Unions and Hard Pegs: Effects on Trade, Financial Development and Stability, (Eds: George M. von Furstenberg, Volbert Alexander, and Jacques Melitz), Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2004

- Modeling of Choices with Uncertain Preferences. ( 1994 )
C. Kahn, in Health Values for Policy: An Economic Approach, (Eds: George Tolley, Donald Kenkel and Robert Fabian), The University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1994

- An Agency Theory Approach to Slave Incentives. ( 1992 )
C. Kahn, in Without Consent or Contract: Technical Papers on Slavery, (Eds: Robert Fogel and Stanley Engerman), W. W. Norton and Company: New York, 1992 pp. 551-565

- A Linear Programming Solution to the Slave Diet. ( 1992 )
C. Kahn, in Without Consent or Contract: Technical Papers on Slavery, (Eds: Robert Fogel and Stanley Engerman), W. W. Norton and Company: New York, 1992 pp. 522-535

Conference Proceedings

- Evolution of money and payment systems: private versus public institutions and the role of collateral (2015)
C. Kahn, in Money and Monetary Institutions after the Crisis: Proceedings of the Conference in Memory of Curzio Giannini Rome, 10 December 2013, (Eds: Pietro Catte, Andrea Gerali, Franco Passacantando) Rome: Bank of Italy 2015.

- The CLS Bank: A Solution to the Risks of International Payments Settlement? ( 2001 )
C. Kahn, W. Roberds, Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, June, 2001, Vol. 54: 191-226 2001

- Semi-Stability in Game Theory: A Survey of Ugliness. ( 1992 )
C. Kahn, C. Asilis, In Papers in Game Theory and Economic Applications: Procedings of An International Conference Held at the Indian Statistical Institute, (Eds: B. Dutta et al.), Springer-Verlag: Berlin-Heidelberg, 1992

- Demandable Debt as the Optimal Banking Contract. ( 1988 )
C. Calomiris, C. Kahn, Garn Institute of Finance Symposium on Federal Insurance, August, 1988, pp. 35-43.

Other Publications

- Low blood lead level effects on intelligence: Can a dose-response curve be determined from the epidemiological data?
Banner, W. and Kahn, C., Clinical Toxicology (Phila), Feb, 52(2):113-7, 2014

- Effective Oversight of Payment and Settlement Systems: Maintaining financial plumbing
Kahn, C., Editor, Henry Stewart Talks Series, 2010.

- Review of Roger Bowden's 'Statistical Games and Human Affairs'
Kahn, C., Journal of Economic Literature, Vol 28, September, 1990, pp. 1213-1215.

Blogs, etc.

- Interview with Dr. Charles Kahn
Mike Bailey, EconCorner, Peoria Magazine, June 27, 2023

- Why Central Banks Shouldn't Ignore Stablecoins
C. Kahn and M. Singh, comment, January 20, 2023.

- Why “Paying in Rubles” May Prove Irrelevant
C. Kahn, St Louis Federal Reserve "On the Economy" Blog, April 08, 2022.

- Should the United States Issue a Central Bank Digital Currency? Lessons from Abroad
C. Kahn, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Policy Hub, No. 2022–8, June, 2022

- If stablecoins are money, they should be backed by reserves
C. Kahn and M. Singh, comment, February 10, 2021.

- What Do Robocalls and Money Laundering Have in Common?
C. Kahn, St. Louis Federal Reserve "On the Economy" Blog, January, 2020.

- Standing Repo Facilities, Then and Now
C. Kahn, S. Quinn, W. Roberds, Atlanta Federal Reserve Policy Hub, Number 2020-1, January 2020.

- Are Banks Special? A Fintech Perspective
C. Kahn, Just Money Blog,, Roundtable on Banking: Intermediation or Money Creation, January, 2020

- Center for Business and Public Policy, University of Illinois College of Business, blog postings
Contaminated Vegetables and Toxic Assets, June 2011
Bah Humbug, January, 2011
Pass 'Em All, September, 2010
Bank Taxes, January, 2010
Gold Bug, October, 2009
Justifying Financial Privacy, September, 2009
CLS, August, 2009
Passwords and Unintended Consequences, August, 2009


Course for Spring 2020

Economics 590
PhD Seminar on Theory of Financial Intermediation (reading list and notes)

Other Activities

Editorial Boards
Journal of Financial Intermediation
Annals of Finance
Journal of Financial Market Infrastructures
Swiss Winter Conference on Financial Intermediation

Other Recent Professional Activity

Consultant, Chicago Federal Reserve, World Bank, International Monetary Fund
Financial Economists Roundtable

Selected Presentations

"The Post-Covid New Normal: Retail Payments," invited presentation at Bank of Korea International Conference, Seoul, June 2, 2023

"The Demand for Programmable Currency" presented at Tokenomics 2022, 4th International Conference on Blockchain Economics, Security and Protocols Sorbonne University, Paris, December 2022 (best paper award), at the Purdue Fintech Conference, West Lafayette, May 2023, and at the SNB-CIF Conference on Cryptoassets and Financial Innovation, Zurich, May 2023

"Best Before? Expiring Central Bank Digital Currency and Loss Recovery" presented at Joint Bank of Canada and Payments Canada Symposium on Shaping the Future of Payments, September 16, 2021.

"Should the US issue a Central Bank Digital Currency? Lessons from abroad" in session "Which CBDC, If Any, Is Right for the United States?" Atlanta Federal Reserve Financal Markets Conference, Amelia Island, May 9, 2022.

"Central Bank Digital Currencies: From design to implementation" CEMLA (Center for Latin American Monetary Studies), IV Fintech Forum Meeting, March 23, 2021.

"Consumer Payments in the US: Current Reality, Future Alternatives," lecture for FGV Direito Rio Webinar "Mercado de pagamentos: um caminho para o future" (Fundação Getúlio Vargas Rio de Janeiro Law School webinar "Innovations and trends for the payments market"), December 11, 2020.

"Eggs in One Basket: Security and Convenience of Digital Currencies," presented in conference "Future Money: From Design to Economics" ETH Risk Center Workshop, Zurich, September 4, 2020.

"A Modest Proposal for Central Banks: Remaining Relevant in the Digital Age," presentation to the conference "Central Bank Digital Currencies: New Opportunities for Payments," National Bank of Ukraine, Kyiv, February 2020.

"Accounts, Tokens and e-Money," First New York Fed Conference on Fintech, New York, March 2019

"Should the Central Bank Issue E-Money?" Banque de France Conference, "Digital Finance, Market Disruption, and Financial Stability," Paris, November, 2018

"The Threat of Privacy," Keynote Address, at "Financial Market Infrastructure Conference II: New Thinking in a New Era," De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam, June, 2017.

"How are payment accounts special?" Payments Innovation Symposium, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, October, 2016

Payments and Policy, Payments Research Conference - Charles Kahn Festschrift, Canadian Payments Association, Banff, June, 2016

Keynote Address, "The Regulatory Challenge of Non-Bank Payment Institutions, and the Response of PSD2," Funcas Conference on Digital Transformation of Payment Media, Madrid, May, 2016

"Non-banks in payment markets" Keynote Address, Bank of Lithuania/Sveriges Riksbank Conference, Vilnius, October, 2015

"The Political Economy of Payments Improvement: An Outsider's View", Academic Keynote address, Joint European Central Bank/Suomen Pankki Conference "Getting the balance right: innovation, trust and regulation in retail payments," Helsinki, June, 2015.

"Evaluating the Fed's Efforts at Payments Improvement (An Outsider's View)" Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Faster Payments Conference, March, 2015

"Payments in 2039 and 2064," Discussion invited for the Queen's/Bank of Canada Conference, "The Future of Payments," Kingston, Ontario, September, 2014.